Monday, January 5, 2015

You're just speaking baby....

Oh the irony we men face when raising an infant. One of the biggest gripes women have with us is our lack of communication, well I can't speak for all men, but I know it was one of my biggest faults before I reached communication puberty about 5 years ago. Having a conversation about anything other than facts, sports, or opera caused my communication system to overload. That never stopped me from having relationships but it did cause some issues. Every conversation seemed to be about emotions and I was  stuck on stupid. The extent of my communication about emotions were happy, sad, horny. Inevitably it blew up to screaming because "horny" was never the answer to "I love you."  Screaming and crying were always my tipping point. I couldn't do it. I shut down and could not  hear anything that was being said. (See where I'm going with this?) 

We (men) have avoided screaming and crying because it was always wrapped up in what we think of as negative emotions and a trip to the sofa for the night. How ironic is it that the only way an infant can communicate is screaming and crying? The post traumatic stress of every screaming match hits me when I hear Jayden screaming and crying. I have to stop myself from grabbing the too short blanket and flat, flimsy pillow and sulking to the sofa with my tail between my legs. I had to realize he has no words, doesn't even know his ABC's....he's  just speaking baby. Needless to say, I have become bilingual and a certified interpreter of Baby Talk. I will be adding it to my résumé .

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