Thursday, January 15, 2015

Tag, you're it!!!

First, let me say, those women who have to raise kids alone, I commend and sing your praises, no, literally I can sing your operatic praises. Being the sole one responsible for the antics of an infant is like entering a strong man competition weighing 140lbs.

Thankfully we are 2, which of course makes things, relatively easier but only relative to doing it alone. One of the benefits of being two is that my favorite game as a kid, "Tag," becomes an every day enjoyment. As a kid you chase your friends through the street and look for the slowest of the bunch so that you can run them down like you are a cheeta hunting a turtle. In the adult, parent version, you are running to meet the needs of an infant. I have noticed with single parents, whenever they are around a group they trust, they want so badly to "tag" someone. Never will they scream "tag" but the hints are subtle, "do you want to hold him?" The relief that falls over them is almost tangible.  They aren't "it"  for a second and its heaven. 

Now at home with two people the game is played all day. I can tell when mommy needs to "tag." When you walk in the door and every thing is half done; vacuum in the middle of the floor, clean clothes spread out as if a grenade hit the laundry room, there's  a full plate of food with one bite eaten, her hair is standing straight up, they have a glossed over gaze and a screaming baby in their lap, it's time to tag. Or when you notice mommy pacing unusually close to you bouncing baby and not saying anything, it a cue, she wants a tag. For dad, you can instantly tell. It's time for a "tag" when baby is laying on his blanket screaming and dad is sitting there staring as if baby is possessed. His mouth and eyes wide open, brow furrowed as if he's waiting for baby to morph into something other worldly. Mommy, rescue him.

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